Why marketing automation is a must-have

What is all the fuzz about?

I’m sure you’ve already heard about Marketing Automation a couple times by now. But what is it that everyone is talking about? Well, in a nutshell; Marketing Automation refers to software tools that automate marketing actions that you’d otherwise have to do manually and repetitive.

There are a couple of reasons why Marketing Automation is making so many companies excited:
• Save time;
• Run personalized marketing campaigns;
• Nurture your leads;
• Be consistent on social media;
• Communicate through different channels in one effort;
• A/B testing becomes child’s play;
• Analyze everything you can think of;
• Suits for every business type;
• One tool for email marketing, landing pages, lead nurturing, social distribution and much more.:

Of course with the broad spectrum of possibilities that comes with Marketing Automation, it’s easy to get lost. There are some pitfalls you should be aware of. But, if you acknowledge them, you can turn them into your strenghts!

Want to learn more about marketing automation? Download our Marketing Automation Glossary and get familiar with some basic Automated Marketing and sales concepts.

Tired of reading? Or do you already know why Marketing Automation is essential? Book your own personal web demo with one of the Marketing FiZZ team to learn all about our favourite Marketing Automation tool : SharpSpring

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