A while ago we posted a blog post to contradict that there is one magical marketing trick that is going to change your entire business. We explained that success in marketing is all about having the right mix of activities, distributed at the right time to the right people… We still believe that… but if we had to choose only one marketing tactic, we would choose the one that has been identified as the most valuable one, as that one tactic that consumers trust above all others and that is most likely to drive sales, …. and that would definitely be customer testimonials or also known as reference stories.
According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers believe recommendations from friends and family over all forms of advertising. Whereas less than half of the consumers say they trust paid advertising, a number in decline year after year. Another study from WOMMA shows 64% of marketing executives believe word of mouth is the most effective form of marketing. These are some numbers we cannot ignore.
WOMM (Word of Mouth Marketing) has many forms such as comments or recommendations on social media, influencer marketing but the easiest, as well as the most effective way is getting reference stories or customer testimonials.
This could be as simple as having short quotes on your website, sharing the full reference story or having customers talk about their experiences in working with you in a video interview.
All these forms work as social proof for your expertise, quality of service, customer-friendliness etc…
As complicated as this might seem, it all starts with asking for it! Start with your happiest customers. Some of them may have offered it already. It’s amazing to see how many might really want to brag about your offering! Or take advantage of that ‘thank you’ email message you just received or that positive Facebook message someone just posted! And voila, that’s how you get your reference stories.
Well, the story needs to be to the point and able to be scanned (nobody reads anymore!) or viewed in +/- 2 minutes. And the most important characteristic, reference stories have to be authentic. A few tips:
All great you think, but I don’t have the time to do this…
Well, that’s where we come in! We already helped lots of clients with writing or shooting their reference stories. All you have to do is introduce us to your client and approve the story at the end of the process… we do the rest! Here are some reference stories we created for our clients: Let’s take a look!
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