What is content automization and why should you start doing it?

Content atomizationbasically refers to a practice where a massive content piece or broad theme is broken down into minor, concentrated elements or content pieces. When it comes to content atomization, the basic idea here will be to:

  • Serialise and repurpose content: Deliver smaller but more substantive content pieces to your reader.
  • Ensure you use available resources as efficiently as you can by squeezing everything you can from each idea: breaking down 1 killer piece into smaller ones can help you deliver better results in the long run.


It’s a process that requires you to begin by thinking small. For this to happen, you have to deconstruct the notion that content only works best when you apply the one-stop piece approach.


Why you should consider breaking down 1 killer piece into smaller ones?

When you do it right, these are the pros of atomization:

Enhanced SEO

The reality is that having many content pieces ensures that you get more opportunities to target various top-performing phrases and related keywords.

What this means is that when you learn how to atomize content, you get to cast more bread crumbs to the search engines. These crumbs will eventually be picked up and ranked.

Eventually, this will lead to additional opportunities for content that ranks better.

Content for different formats

If you are truly interested in ensuring that you take this process to a higher level, then make sure to apply it in different forms of content for numerous platforms. For instance, have you ever considered writing a multi-blog series which you could later convert into a series of social media posts, a series of email newsletters, or a podcast series?

Better engagement

The benefit of having different kinds of atomization is that you get to obey the unspoken rule of the internet: shorter content pieces always leads to better engagement than the longer ones.

Keep in mind that the average human being has a very short attention span. As such, when they come across a piece that does not engage their minds or capture their attention, they are more likely to move on to the next website.

Shorter pieces will allow people to view or read more of your pieces.

Conversion Opportunities

When you start producing shorter content pieces, it means that you are essentially setting up a framework that will assist you in casting more CTAs.

So, rather than using a single CTA in a long piece, you will get to exponentially increase your CTAs making sure that they land where your readers are located.

You can increase conversion opportunities by learning how to atomize content. Additionally, good and catchy CTAs often translates to better leads and more conversions.

While there are a lot of benefits that come with content atomization. The best news is this: there is no limit to how you apply any of these strategies. With the help of atomization you have the power to rethink, repurpose and rejuvenate any piece of content you have.

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