Category: General News
Why marketing automation is a must-have
What is all the fuzz about? I’m sure you’ve already heard about Marketing Automation a couple times by now. But what is it that everyone is talking about? Well, in a nutshell; Marketing Automation refers to software tools that automate marketing actions that you’d otherwise have to do manually and repetitive. There are a couple of […]
Marketing Automation playbook
Van marketing tot sales, SharpSpring âš¡ has it all. We brengen de customer journey in kaart en transformeren contacten van leads naar duurzame klanten. Samen streven we naar een flawless marketing automation plan. Benieuwd? Lees dan zeker ons Marketing Automation playbook! Word een marketing automation expert! ⬅ Download het playbook Download nu je exemplaar! Download […]
What is content automization and why should you start doing it?
Content atomizationbasically refers to a practice where a massive content piece or broad theme is broken down into minor, concentrated elements or content pieces. When it comes to content atomization, the basic idea here will be to: Serialise and repurpose content: Deliver smaller but more substantive content pieces to your reader. Ensure you use available […]
B2B SaaS marketing
The software-as-a-service (SaaS) market has been a growing market for many years. In the past year, the SaaS market once again experienced tremendous growth. On an international level, Belgium is one of the most progressive countries when it comes to implementing SaaS. Belgium not only has some very nice and internationally known SaaS companies, but […]
Page experience, de website metric van 2021
Google maakte vorig jaar al bekend dat ze dit jaar in mei een belangrijke update zullen doorvoeren rond Page Experience. Maar over wat gaat Page Experience eigenlijk en wat betekent het juist voor je bedrijf? Dankzij de aankondiging van Google komen we in een unieke situatie terecht waarbij we onze websites kunnen voorzien van de juiste aanpassingen voordat de update […]